In the search for eco-forward and high-efficiency skylights? Look toward the stars. Thanks to the Energy Star Certification program, consumers have an easier way of identifying products that have been designed and tested to deliver the utmost in energy performance.
“Energy Star is a globally-recognized designation that spotlights the highest energy-efficient products out there,” explains Marco Ferazzo, a manager with Artistic Skylights. “And when we’re talking about skylights, that designation means you’re getting a product that provides optimal insulation in Canada’s harshest climates, which results in happier occupants and higher energy savings.”
To understand how Energy Star ratings apply to skylights is to first understand the U-factor (aka U-value). This is a measurement that indicates how well a product prevents heat from passing through it. A lower U-factor means less heat is being transferred, meaning cold Canadian weather isn’t getting in and cozy indoor temperatures aren’t being affected.
One can see why skylights with low – or maximum – U–factor ratings are preferred. To that end, products with the Energy Star sticker have been deemed capable of meeting a U-Factor of 0.40, which is among the lowest in this product category.
“Artistic Skylight is a firm believer in providing homeowners, contractors, and building stakeholders with the highest-rated energy performance skylights,” says Ferazzo. “That’s why we’re proud to be in a position where we can offer one of the largest ranges of Energy Star rated skylights and solar tunnels, all of which meet the maximum U-factor and are required to submit to an unscheduled factory audit.”
Today, you will find the Energy Star symbol affixed to many of Artistic Skylight’s models. This includes its latest line of Energy + Skylights, which are confirmed to possess an extremely low U-factor to be compliant with Ontario Building Code SB-12.
Certified for performance
Energy Star certification is one of several consumers can look for when purchasing a skylight or window. Artistic Skylight’s daylighting products have accrued numerous industry certifications, including:
- AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 NAFS 08-North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for Windows, Doors, & Skylights
- A440S1-09 Canadian Supplement to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440, NAFS
- A440.2-14 / A440.3-14 Fenestration Energy Performance
- CAN/CGSB-63.14-M89 Applies to plastic skylights intended for use on buildings
- NFRC 100 Procedure to determine fenestration product U-Factors
A skylight’s ability to prevent the transfer of heat equates to better temperature control and comfier indoor environments. For that reason, says Ferrazo, “Designations like Energy Star help consumers learn more about what they’re putting into their home or building and how it will enhance their overall space.”